Below are selected videos recorded during the ‘JimJam Story Hour’ on August 15, 2015.
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Check back for more uploads over the next few weeks.

Mark Weston: Mark reveals his qualifications for being hired by Jim, and his enduring love of practice room cacophony.

Ralph Klapis 1: Ralph describes his first meeting at Raytown South High School— Jim was his Band Director!

Ralph Klapis 7: Ralph concludes with a touching story of how Jim helped him acquire a proper oscilloscope.

Perry Cook: Perry Cook describes how getting hired to solder patch cords for the Moog messed with his musical plans!  “Being able to combine wit and art and technology” as modeled by Jim remains Perry’s goal to this day.

Allen DeCamp: Allen describes how Jim taught him how to turn a black box into a flute, as well as a new way to think.

Brad Frohock: Brad recalls a french fry incident at Little Angus, then how a pocket calculator hanging on Jim’s office wall—spilling it’s guts—blew his mind.

[More to come!]