In Room 202

The iconic sheet music cover


The UMKC Conservatory of Music Electronic Music program was born behind the door in Room 202.

Grant Hall 200D, birthplace of the Recording program, is arguably as important. But as far as we know, 200D doesn’t have a song with cool sheet music. Anyone want to compose a 200D homage? Team up to add lyrics and a cover design for the sheet music?

The story behind discovering the sheet music is recalled in the Wiki-InRoom202 email thread: “2002 Humulator

IN ROOM 202…

[Brad Frohock wrote]

In the early 70s, Kemner, Rothwell and I made a “dog and pony show” by carting the Moog and Heils up to Maryville College to give a lecture/demonstration on EM. On the way back from the show, we stopped at a little diner to eat. Coincidentally (or was it?) mounted on the wall behind the booth we were sitting at was a framed piece of sheet music, titled “In Room 202″.

We all had a great laugh, but Kemner especially was taken with the irony. After we got up to leave, Kemner went back into the restaurant to “sweet talk” the waitress or owner into mailing him the framed photo back to UMKC… and she did!

That framed sheet music hung on the wall the entire time the Moog/EM lab was in RS202. I don’t know if it ever made it to PAC or not (probably not… the significance would have been lost).


In Room 202 chorus:

In room two hundred and two
The walls keep talking to you
Shall I tell ev’rything they said
Or put out the light and go to bed?

One Response to “In Room 202”

  1. Katherine January 29, 2012 at 5:32 pm #

    What do you say to a great man like Jim? uh!! Happy Birthday to you Yea, Happy Birthday to you.Hardly a day goes by that you’re not blessing someone’s life in some way. There’s simply no counting the lives you’ve touched during your 70 years. And there’s no measuring how happy so many of us feel to be celebrating you! Today I’m wishing for all the good things that should come to a great person like you.