
For those of you who attended UMKC Conservatory of Music ‘back in the day’ of the 1960s and 70s, Grant Hall was the center of the universe.

UMKC-Conservatory_RSThe biggest moon was an outbuilding named “RS” (Residence Studio), where the Electronic Music program grew up behind the door in Room 202.

Grant Hall 200D—the cubby-hole-turned-recording-control-room—was the equally important birthplace of the Recording program. But as far as we know, 200D doesn’t have a song with cool sheet music, so “In Room 202” gets the spotlight.


[This website was created in 2012 for Jim's 70th birthday. With that head start, it seems well-suited to celebrate his life and legacy, as well as all those in orbit of Room 202.

Back in 2012, Kriss wrote...]

Right now, a 70th birthday milestone serves well as an excuse to touch base with you.

Eventually, we’d like to harness some of this new fangled social media-techno-virtual-whiz-gadgets to do something useful… like collaborate with you on writing the rest of the history we all experienced in those fabulous days, and what happened after we dispersed across the terra. Perhaps a wiki-style project to compile notes, starting with the emails we exchanged 10 years ago.

So please stay tuned…

Kriss Avery…and Dr. Jim Rothwell (once he gets wind of this!)

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