Make History


From birthday parties and random email flurries over recent years, stories and factoids from the ‘good ole days’ at the UMKC Conservatory Electronic Music Studio and Recording Studio have piled up. Time to post them for vetting and enjoyment— but there’s got to be more!

Consider this a standing invitation for you to write, sketch, compose, postulate, reflect, and challenge each others’ (as well as your own) memories. From our mirror ball of perspectives, let’s reconstruct the…

  • HISTORY (dates and facts*)
  • STORIES (what it looked, felt, tasted and sounded like)

What is the legacy begun in Room 202 and 200D that zapped out into the world like the far-flung sparks of an excitable tesla coil?

To enable this noble cause, a companion WIKI has been set up for collaborative writing. Click over to the WIKI—In Room 202 and see what’s there. Then JOIN us and help fill in the blanks.

Joining the WIKI as a Member enables you to help us create and edit the content. If you haven’t already received an invitation to join, send me a request via this website’s  Contact page or the Wiki’s Members page and I’ll send you an email invitation.

“Un-Room 202″

Not a Conservatory alum? But somewhere along the way you were pulled into the magnetic field of Jim Rothwell?  We want to hear about your experiences, too. Pages can be created about other spaces & times: for example, Midwest Micro, Speech Enhancer, St. Louis filmmaking, antenna & electronic design, progressive activism…if any of these or other JAR-related topics rings a bell, then create a new page and chime away.


*By the way, if something didn’t happen but you wanted it to?… then go into full-disclosure ‘what if’ mode. Imagination is not prohibited, as long as it isn’t confused with…um, facts or well-intended, if faulty, memories. :)